Country - GRENADA
Name of designated Hub Coordinator – MRS. LISA LEWIS
Background of organization –
Dynamic Youths of Grenada Business Hub is a youth livelihoods organisation focused on:
Helping young out of school males and females of Grenada make decent work for themselves through entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial means. Helping young males and females to find decent waged employment.
Assisting young males and females to find skills, professional and personal development avenues through internships, apprenticeships, vocational training, fellowships, exchanges and cross border knowledge sharing.
Exposing young males and females in schools i.e. pre-schools, primary, secondary and tertiary, to entrepreneurship as a career choice using creative avenues.
Dynamic Youths of Grenada Business Hub was founded in 2012 and was formally registered in Grenada in 2014.
DYGBH is an Approved Implementing partner of the Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (through Entrepreneurship) based in Barbados. The CoESL has several years of expertise in the implementation of youth employment strategies, with a particularly strong focus on entrepreneurship. The DYGBH relies on the CoESL for standard and quality support. DYGBH received support from the CoESL to attend the 5th Annual Youth Entrepreneurship Conference in St. Vincent & the Grenadines in 2012. Since then Founders of DYGBH have been in constant discussions with Mrs. Marcia Brandon, President & Founder of the CoESL and her team on how best to maintain the DYGBH’s operations.
VISION – To break the barriers of career mindsets that will create the platform for entrepreneurship to become the natural livelihood choice for youths in Grenada.
MISSION - To help Grenadian young entrepreneurs to acquire the skills, aptitude and attitude needed to become successful entrepreneurs and/or productive individuals.
We are also the Country Node for the World Bank Project "Caribbean Climate Innovation Center" http://www.caribbeancic.org/
Services offered – start-up business and growth loans directly and indirectly; business growth programmes; business start-up programmes i.e. training & development; business mentoring; cross-border connectivity; exposure; internships; conferences; access to markets; financial literacy and the like.
Clientele – Young males and females between the ages of 18-35.
· Contact details: On Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dynamicyouthsofgrenada
Address: Chantimelle, St. Patrick’s, Grenada West Indies
Phone: +1473 418 5114
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